Amending The Constitution – The Jubilee Amendment

There should probably be another name.  I’m terrible at naming things.  But that can wait.

Since it was adopted, the constitution has been amended periodically:

– 1791

– 1795

– 1804

– 1865

– 1868

– 1870

– 1913

– 1919

– 1920

– 1933

– 1951

– 1961

– 1964

– 1967

– 1971

– and 1992.

Thus the longest period without a constitutional amendment was 61 years, from 1804 to 1865.  The tumultuous 1960’s saw three amendments, the most of any decade, though there’s no reason to believe that that was related to the tumult.

Tellingly, the last amendment in post modernist/narcissistic 1992 concerned the profound and burning issue of Congressional pay.  This is a measure of the degree to which the “constitution” has become a play thing of the rulers rather than the choke collar it was meant to be.

After 18 years, then, we’re more or less due for another constitutional amendment.  And we need one.

I’ll stipulate that amending the constitution is dangerous.  It should probably be done only when not doing it is more dangerous.

Such as right now.

We are witnessing the breakdown of the United States government.  Whether you or I think this is a good thing or a bad thing does not matter.  It is as certain as the next sunrise or any other overwhelmingly obvious, inevitable and empirically verifiable future event, meaning an event that hasn’t happened yet but we know will happen based upon historical precedent, and we’ll all be able to see it when it does.  In practical terms this is proximately due to economics.  But it is also fair to say that economics at the relevant level is a practical expression, individually and collectively, of our deeper beliefs.  Our true beliefs, not the ones we necessarily profess.  As in, we say we believe in the “presumption of innocence” but we demonstrate day in and day out that we don’t.  You get the idea.

We know from history that such events – the collapse of governments – usually entail disruption, displacement and human suffering, sometimes not so bad but sometimes just god-awful.  Whether the break up of the United States would be of the former or latter type is something no one can really say.  At least I can’t.

Because of this, prudence dictates that if possible the event – the breakdown of the United States – should be avoided if possible.  Or, if it cannot be avoided it should be made as painless as possible, unnecessary human suffering being something to be avoided in any case.

There is normally a lot of discussion about and interest in who to blame when things are going wrong.  I’m not sure if that ever serves a good purpose, but in this situation it’s completely irrelevant and frankly undeserving of consideration because there are more important things to do than carping and blaming.  For what it’s worth, there’s plenty of blame, so much among so many that it’s practically meaningless to talk about it.

The men who founded this country had faith that people could be self-governing and act like grown-ups.  That doesn’t mean we do either of those well – or at all – very often.  But unless we want to risk the potentially frightful and abrupt social degeneration associated with the collapse of a national government we’re going to have to rise to the occasion now.  It is up to us.  There’s a fast closing window of opportunity.

We’ll find out if the founders’ faith was misplaced.  But first, a little bit of diagnosis.  Not too much, because it’s not that important, but a little bit is necessary.

The United States stood across the 20th century globe like a colossus.  There were two great political conflagrations – called “wars” – that were so terrible and costly in human terms that the world’s good will was bound to be heaped upon whoever ended them.  Remember that:  the United States did not become a hegemon by fighting wars; it became a hegemon because in fighting them, it ended them.

This was all in the first half of the 20th century.

In the second half of the 20th century the US basked in the glory of the first half and became something of a one-trick pony, always marching off to some little war or other.  But we had still ended the big wars, terrible wars, that nobody else seemed capable of ending.  We harnessed the power of the atom (using mainly foreign scientists, but that’s another subject).  We built stuff, here and abroad.  We believed we could do anything, from eradicating hunger and poverty on earth, to conquering outer space.

Wanting to do great things, believing you can do great things, is not necessarily wrong, though it is perhaps immodest.  But on the other hand you can’t do anything if you don’t believe you can, and actually try.

Where does this belief become delusion, though?  This is where:  when you become heedless of the cost, the price to be paid.  It’s one thing to think you can do a great thing and try to do it.  It’s quite another to believe and demand that it’s going to be easy.  The former, soberly undertaken with a dose of humility, is the province of adults; the latter is the fantasy of children. The former recognizes a world apart from what our will would have of it; the latter is infatuated with power and seeks to bend the world to itself, as if that was the world’s only purpose.

We honor our veterans and I suppose we should.  But the price of the world’s good will towards the United States, earned in the first half of the 20th century and just about completely spent in the years since, was not paid by them; it was paid by the ones who didn’t come home.  That payment is no less real because we have never known or even met those people; but we behave as if it is precisely because we have become heedless of what things cost.  This is always a temptation when the cost – which nature itself never fails to impose – is borne by someone else.

And now you know, if you didn’t before, why we are drowning in unpayable debt.

The solution is a paradox.  We must recover our sense of the cost of things by absolving ourselves and everyone else of their debts.  We must forgive one another, which begins and ends with an acknowledgment of our fault, that we have refused to count the cost and forced or tricked others into paying it to maintain our denial, and we have been doing this for a long time.  As we used to say in a more civilized era:  mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

And we’re going to have to do this ourselves.  We like to complain about our “leaders”, but we have exactly the leaders that we deserve.  They are just like us, perfect mirrors.  They will never exhibit any character unless and until we do.

A constitutional amendment is required for this.  Section 4 of the 14th amendment is one reason, but ultimately the legal reasons are not important.  The important thing is that this is just as is should be, since we have to do it ourselves anyway, and amending the constitution was precisely the mechanism left by our ancestors to do precisely that.

There are a lot of problems that this will create.  But this, too, doesn’t really matter:  first, because there will be serious problems if it isn’t done, no matter what else anyone does – such as the collapse of the government; and second, because those problems will be more serious than the problems of not doing it.

And also because not doing anything is an extremely serious, even terminal problem of its own:  the denial of a spoiled child who cannot accept that he won’t get his own way.  Children doubtless have their charms, but the refusal to accept a reality that stands in the way of what you want is not cute.  I have represented a fair number of criminals, and others who have done the same can tell you that this child-like quality is prevalent in many of them, and always in the worst of them.

I am going to post a proposed 28th amendment in its entirety, to be followed by a series of posts explaining it.  It is fairly long and complicated, which is unfortunate, but then this is not an easy subject:  it’s not easy to know what to do and how to do it and who should do it; how much needs to be specified; and how much needs to be left to the discretion of the people who will ultimately carry out its provisions.

This amendment is the populist solution to the difficulties we face, and I will categorically state that it, or something like it, is the only such solution there is.  That may sound imperious to some, but there really isn’t time for endless digressions into the arcane minutae of economics and monetary theory when, in the end, this is about law more than it is about economics.

And in any case, the law trumps economics.  You know that because the man who defies economic considerations by forgoing benefits in order to comply with the law is still just; but the man who reverses this, and defies the law to obtain economic benefits is a criminal, like Al Capone.  There are some things that are simply true, as in self-evident and axiomatic, and require the assent of all reasonable people.  And that’s one of them.

In practical terms as well, even a brief foray into the world of economics blogs and publications on the internet will reveal such a dizzying multitude of opinions on matters economic that in order to actually do anything, economists are going to have to subordinate their theories and speculations to the law, just like everyone else.  And if that means lawyers are the way out of this mess and not economists, what does that matter – as long as we get out of this mess? Lawyers have abdicated their role in favor of economics for far too long as it is; indeed if lawyers had not done so we probably wouldn’t be facing these difficulties.  But that, too, is a subject for another day.

Our rulers may have other plans up their sleeves, though I have also seriously entertained the idea that they don’t – that they are as paralyzed, confused and frightened and useless as they look, that they have no clue what to do other than prepare to get the hell out of dodge when TSHTF.  If the latter, they may wind up being grateful for an exit strategy even if it isn’t theirs; if the former there may be trouble, but in an allusion to the late Senator Edward Kennedy we’ll just have to drive off that bridge when we come to it.

See?  These are serious subjects for a serious time, but you have to keep your sense of humor.


Filed under financial crisis, Judicial lying/cheating

42 responses to “Amending The Constitution – The Jubilee Amendment

  1. Obsvr-1

    Interesting, I will continue to delve into your site and pass the word.

    What is your opinion of the culpability of the legal system in the financial crisis. All of the legal maneuvering, lobbying efforts and creation of law that enables and legalizes systemic fraud and wealth transfer from society to a small group of money/power elite ?


    • I think the legal system is at least as responsible for the mess as any other segment of society. More, really, because they have a higher obligation to prevent these kinds of things, not to mention a higher obligation to correct them once they appear.

      In mitigation, I would add that the “system” has taken on a life of its own and is extremely resistant to change. Wrongful criminal convictions are a paradigm: even the most obviously wrongful convictions take years, and usually a sacrificial effort by some attorney, to overturn. Trying to correct things from the inside is both dangerous – literally – and un-remunerative, sometimes catastrophically so. This is a strong disincentive to a reform effort.

      I know whereof I speak.


  2. Obsvr-1

    Have you heard of the ‘republic of the united states’ ?

    see video

    what is your view / opinion of this ?


    • I have seen a lot of this kind of thing. The whole UCC is merchant law, admiralty law, US is a corporation, all capital letters means this or that, gold fringe on the flag.

      My opinion is that when the government and the courts renounce reason and truth, people try to make sense of the situation. Some of what they come up with under those circumstances will meet or exceed the government’s incoherence. The fundamental problem remains the government’s incoherence, not what people come up with in an attempt to understand the incomprehensible.


  3. What you are seeing is a deliberate and calculated coup of the global economy by a cabal of financial elite that are hell bent on milking humanity of all its wealth.

    Have you listened to Jim Rickards’ latest rant on King World News?

    The global elite issued a report, written in businessese, similar to legalese, saying that the world needs 100 trillion more of debt in order for economic growth.

    The world is beyond the point of repair. It needs a hard boot to reset itself. We are fucked! Have fun with that.


    • I think we have to get past blaming the “elites” and concentrate on what can be done to make things better. That’s what the 28th amendment is. As a practical matter, the jubilee aspect of it “harms” the elite by dethroning them as effectively as anything could. But that is not the point, nor the intention. The point is to take the yoke off everyone and start over.

      This would take a bottom up effort, which is what a constitutional amendment is, or at least could be. If the world is truly “beyond the point of repair”, then the fault will not lie with the elites alone, just as the fault for where we are now is not all the elites’.

      We have to grow up and take responsibility for our own community, as Damon Vrabel says. The bigger the community that can do this, the better. It may be that only small communities have a realistic chance, but we shouldn’t give up on the country just because it’s big. The principle is the same.


      • Someone needs to tell the elites because they are on the verge of pumping $100 trillion of debt into the global economy thus ensuring further enslavement. This problem is bigger than one country. Your constitution does not apply to the world and the elites do not respect borders. They only apply to the fluoridated media zombies, who are ignorant, and the rest of us. The rest of us have a duty to humanity to end this reign of financial terror. I am afraid that it will take more than words and changes to pieces of paper to fix this contrived mess. And I will continue to blame the elites. The ones at the top of the food chain deliberately fired their weapons of mass financial destruction at us so the could gut us of our wealth. They are war criminals and should be tried the The Hague for crimes against humanity.

        Peace out!


        • I understand. You have a point.

          On the other hand this is an example of “splitting”. See Damon Vrabel’s now defunct blog.

          It’s difficult for us to see how the elites are trapped, too. When we were children we couldn’t see how our parents weren’t just arbitrarily prescribing and proscribing this and that.

          This is why I say we have to grow up, but I don’t mean to patronize. We live under a terrible tyranny, and it’s normal to blame the tyrants. But this is much, much bigger than even them.

          Think about this: the elites are always looking for the cover of law and pieces of paper. If they have been so successful in enslaving everyone else through law and pieces of paper, why can’t law and pieces of paper undo the enslavement?

          This is the hope for a peaceful transition, which I admit are not historically common, but then again, if you want to talk history the alternatives are not pretty, for the elites or anyone else.


          • Because the elite the own the system….bought off and paid for with fiat.

            Maybe we need to back up and decide who is an elitist. What are their qualifications. Maybe that is the wrong term.

            I consider someone like Jamie Dimon to be a war criminal. I can list 100 more just like him.


            • Do the elite own the system? Or are they owned by the system like everyone else, the only difference being their exalted positions, which may be more of a burden than they appear to us serfs?

              I’ve met a few of these people. It’s hard for me to see them as cardboard cutout characters on which I just flatly project the “good” or “evil” label. To a significant degree, even if not entirely, they’re probably just swept up in it all like the rest of us. Would you be a lot different than Jamie Dimon given the same circumstances – opportunities, pressures – that he has had? It’s hard to say, isn’t it?


              • There is a big difference between Jamie Dimon and me. I have a conscience and I am not a sociopath.

                I do not have the energy to argue this. I know that it is fact. I have proven it to myself. I think you may be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. You are in love with your captors.


              • Feel free to not argue, but I think your comments are valuable.

                I plead not guilty to being “in love” with my captors; I plead guilty to loving them, however. I wish them no harm.

                Yet look at the proposal I have floated here, even from your own point of view. It annihilates the very source of their power – debt; and restores the rule of law – the gold standard. If you can annihilate their power without annihilating them isn’t that worth a try?

                Anger and hatred are easy. Love and reason are hard. Don’t be too easy on yourself.


  4. Frenchfrog

    This is a planetary problem you know…..We know who the elites are and frankly, who …pardon my french…the hell need this masonic gang ? Life is not about monstruous consumerism, but quality of life, simplicity, decency, honnesty, respect. I don’t wish them harm but I sure hate them for what they’ve created, an evil system, suffering everywhere….they have so much money that they would need 100 lives to spend it all while millions of others could benefit of a small percentile of this spoliated wealth to have a meal each day. They spoliated real economy to sustain this absurd virtual economy… This is not right, I am not part of this decadent society. Governements are puppets executing orders from them, distroying all that our forfathers built for us, what will we leg to the future generations ? manipulation, intox, desinfo, that”s our daily lot. How can human beings supposedly “grown up” can even speak or think about war and then go to church on sundays ? what kind of fake, hypocritical society do we live in ? Enough of foolish speeches to appeal on people’s feelings, we no longer trust them, nor believe them. As long as the mass will have food things will probably not stir all that much, but take away that first basic need and it will be Egypt everywhere. Elites are responsible for what is coming, governments are their accomplices.


  5. Jack

    So lawyer, you effectively got shouted down by angry, disgruntled citizens of the world who are seriously pissed off at the bankers and the way they’ve taken over our governments.
    Add me to this group.

    Sure, let’s have a Jubilee, but also justice & accountability.
    And after we’re locked up the banksters and broken up the big western banks… we need to come up with a monetary/financial system not predicated on Ponzi Fractional Reserve Banking and bogus Fiat currency. Politicians just love Fiat because it’s so inflatable and allows them to hide their excesses. That needs to Stop!


    • Justice and accountability for the banksters might well mean a trip to the guillotine, but I’ll simply point out that mankind has been there and done that, and the results were less than optimal, to put it mildly.

      There has never been a debt jubilee in modern times, but it has a fine pedigree from antiquity. The more things change the more they stay the same. When debt levels reach the point where any substantial repayment becomes fanciful you would think a jubilee is a no-brainer. So few people would be hurt by a jubilee at this point that they could probably all be compensated through private or local exceptions.

      And I certainly agree that the next step would be a restoration of sound money. In fact that’s what the amendment does.

      As to what to do about fractional reserve lending, I don’t really know. I’m opposed to it, but that doesn’t mean I think it should be legislatively prohibited or criminalized.

      In any case, the larger approach here is one of forgiveness, not justice and accountability. Justice and accountability might very well translate into a bloodbath. We should not do that to one another, even if it would be just. Besides, the most guilty parties in all this are long dead and buried and beyond earthly justice. Once they set the wheels in motion, the train was going to reach this station no matter what anyone did. All of the living are only marginally responsible by comparison.

      So not only is repayment impossible, justice is impossible too. Under those circumstances, a very important principle to observe is that our approach to our fellow man who may have wronged us should be characterized by mercy, not justice.


      • Fenchfrog

        quote :
        In any case, the larger approach here is one of forgiveness, not justice and accountability. Justice and accountability might very well translate into a bloodbath. We should not do that to one another, even if it would be just. Besides, the most guilty parties in all this are long dead and buried and beyond earthly justice. Once they set the wheels in motion, the train was going to reach this station no matter what anyone did. All of the living are only marginally responsible by comparison.

        So not only is repayment impossible, justice is impossible too. Under those circumstances, a very important principle to observe is that our approach to our fellow man who may have wronged us should be characterized by mercy, not justice
        end of quote.
        You are of course very right in saying that, I keep telling myself that you are either a formidably good person, or you’re one of them. I follow blogs on macroeconomics, geopolitcs, and it is not looking very good for humanity. Whether the original instigators are long dead or not is not an issue, these masonic clans have descendances that walk right into the path of their forefathers, we are living in a bling bling society where dominators are transferring power to either their next of kin, their buddies, or dictators with puppet regimes. The whole system is biaised. It should not be allowed to let a few handful of people decide on the destiny of soveign people worldwide.


      • Atticus, I’ve no doubt that something like a debt jubilee (and probably more) is the only possible way out of the current mess. Thanks for bringing it forward. I’m British+Australia and so can’t do much to promote the change to the US constitution.

        Some years ago I was quite vehemently against the idea of a jubilee as I figured that it rewards the profligate at the expense of the prudent. I counted myself largely amongst the prudent :). With a jubilee, are all debts forgiven, no matter how large they are? What is to stop folks from borrowing big just before JB-day? Who do you suspect is hurt by a jubilee? the prudent? How would private and local exceptions work and what would they look like? I figured once that perhaps a fairer jubilee method may be to divide the total outstanding private debt by the number of people and then to print up the money and send each citizen an equal share.

        Introducing a gold standard would go a long way to bring us back to a just system but I feel there will be other requirements which make this politically difficult. For instance, I rent a house and have a contract to continue doing so at what I believe to be a very much inflated figure. With my neighbour enjoying the jubilee and now having no mortgage payment to make, how is that just? At the very _least_, the contract must be renegotiated very shortly after the jubilee once the deflationary consequences are understood. In Biblical days, there was a regular jubilee every 50 years IIUC, so it was not a big issue back then as the jubilee is fully anticipated.

        Keep up the good work. I look forward to reading your other posts on this most important subject. Some kind of worldwide degt forgiveness, along with justice and a gold standard (or at least overturning legal tender laws) is — as you say — the only way to avoid terrible alternatives.


        • Steven, I’ve been waiting for some questions like yours. I have most of these things clear in my mind, but if I’m going to explain them to others I will need to get questions.

          The answers are the subject of the latest post, and thanks for the input and the interest.


  6. Jack

    Frog, I agree.
    Observing the actions of western governments these last few decades leads me to the conclusion there is a banking elite, a relative few, in control of the big US,UK,EU banks. And thus, they control the governments in these countries buy buying off the politicians. Even worse, these bankers appear to be opportunists who see crisis as an timely moment to ‘go for the jugular’ big time by forcing a police state apparatus/infrastructure to lock in total control of the population such that there is no escaping the reeming
    they wish to give.

    Need I only offer proof as how (in lock-step) the governments of the EU,UK and & US have gone to extraordinary lengths to prop up their tottering major banks. Yes, even to the extent of sucking the life blood out of their own respective countries. All shall bow before the big banks.
    The big banks need & shall be saved .. at all costs.
    ALL COSTS!!!

    And lawyer, getting back to you and your ‘turn the other cheek’ attitude.
    No F…. way. When someone violates you repeatedly, it’s obvious you’re dealing with a predator.

    There’s only one sure way to deal with predators out to get you.


    • Frenchfrog

      Thanks Jack,
      the revolution we have witnessed in north africa will likely be reappropriated by the interests in place, i.e. the US, UK, Israel etc, whereever the clanic octopus operates and sieges, people will not be heard nor will they obtain freedom though “they” may try to make them think they did (just like the French Revolution)…Mubarack actually pledged to increase salaries of civil servants up to 15 % (buddies and pions) with money he does not have of course. Revolution will spread the day, we, in the west, we will strive to have a decent meal….food is the detonator, governments know that and this is why minimum wages and food stamps exist, to prevent people from uprising. Though I do not wish to witness any bloodbath, it is clear that “they” may afterall “regulate population” that way, by fomenting uprisings, since overpopulation us also one of their concerns…history repeats itself as long as we will not profoundly change the systems in place. Democracy is now synonym of marketplace and fiat money, this is the world’s new religion, born some 200 yrs ago.


      • French,

        I think you properly cite a couple of other factors here: the social and political significance of food shortages, especially those that are artificially generated by the perverse economics of all this. Shelter is already in play for many, and that’s bad enough as it is. Throw in food and the world will have real trouble on its hands.

        Also, I agree that at bottom there are some religious questions lurking: what is it that we really “worship”, in the sense that it governs our lives and conduct? Is it money and power? Justice and freedom? Peace and prosperity? What is the deity we look to for those things?

        The French have often been a gift to the world with respect to questions such as these.


    • Jack,

      Maybe it’s satisfactory to respond that I share your disgust at the conduct of the banksters and the government. They will suffer the most, by far, if a jubilee and the gold standard are imposed by law, since they will lose in one fell swoop their power and their ability to rig the system in their favor going forward. This would be such a wonderful accomplishment I can’t imagine we would need to go further. Perhaps they deserve to be marched off to the gallows, too, but this idea does a lot of dispensing with what people “deserve”. I’ve given the best reasons I can for that result, and they are both principled and practical: principled because if we’re going to embark on the road to forgiveness, there is plenty of blame to go around and no one should be excepted; and practical because even if they deserve it, the long term success of the change would be undermined by a violent and lethal inauguration. The impulse to get even is a wild animal once you take it off its leash. The French Revolution would be a prime example, but there are many others.

      This isn’t really a turn the other cheek approach; I do not invite more elite depredations of the masses, quite the contrary since the gold standard would preclude them. I assure you the elites would bemoan their lot under this law almost as much as if they were slated for extinction, as indeed they would be going forward. If this idea ever gained any momentum I believe you would see by the virulence and identities of the opposition just how much a figurative dagger at the throat of the elites this is; I’m only arguing that there is no need to go beyond that to an actual dagger, and that doing so would be counterproductive and short-sighted – just the kind of qualities the elites have embraced. Let us not become like the enemy.


  7. Jack

    We differ.

    I say hold trials and (no kidding) bring back the guillotine.
    Digitally record the (just) executions for posterity such that hundreds of years in the future they will serve as a reminder & restraint to those who think to take advantage of their fellow man.

    For Christ sakes, haven’t you learned from the way Obama came in an immediately swept everything under the rug and gave a crooks another go at screwing people.

    Without justice and accountability everything related to human interaction goes to hell. I’m not even religious yet I realize the wisdom in that which has been preached.

    Currently there’s world wide pent up anger. With cause.
    Justice must be served. It’s been thwarted far too long.
    Heads… must roll.


    • Well, Jack I’m not going to blame you too much. I can certainly understand people feeling that way. It’s a mess, and some are way more culpable than others, and some are way more advantaged than others. It’s tempting, to be sure.


  8. Fenchfrog

    The elite do not only control markets, they control everything (media, education, intellectual development and expression with heavy duty censorship, Net control, food (OGMs i.e. monsanto), sciences AND Politics/ religions). On the last religion, if you take a closer look is nothing more than the twin sister of politics, just a way to control people playing one against others, NOWHERE in the bible it is said “you will build churches, you will worship or supplicate me, you will choose a Pope who will reign in my place and name ! Religion is a manmade idea that has nothing to do with faith and the Word of Creator (but that’s another long subject). In my view, resulting from about years of research, the problem evolves around one ideology neoconservatism or “sionism”…I know that many jews and catholics do not pledge by that and I salute them for their lucidity. This is where it all starts. Let’s talk about the French Revolution per se, it was in fact fomented by the bourgeoisie for the bourgeoisie luring people in making them believe that it was theirs…yes, let’s talk about this ‘in GOD we trust’ on the american dollar…which god, what god, why is this on a fiat dollar, let’s talk about democracy, What democracy ? sionist democracy, totalitarian democracy ?….let’s talk about masonry.
    See also :
    The Weekly Standard, American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Project for the New American Century (PNAC), The Heritage Foundation et le Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA).(…)
    Irving Kristol, and Martin Diamond, specialists of the US Constitution (
    Need we add more…(probably)
    for more details :
    Edmund Connelly Naming Neocon (January 22, 2008)
    Prof. Kevin MacDonald , Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement
    Michael Collins Piper , The High Priests of War: How America’s “Neo-Conservative” Trotskyites Came to Power and Orchestrated the War Against Iraq As The First Step in Their Drive for Global Empire ( read the intro and extracts ; Photo section )
    Michael Collins Piper , The New Babylon: A Panoramic Overview of the Historical, Religous and Economic Origins of the New World Order (2009)
    Michael Collins Piper , The Judas Goats – The Enemy Within: The Shocking Story of the Infiltration and Subversion of the American Nationalist Movement (read the intro and extracts ; photo section ) ( Scribd )
    Michael Collins Piper , The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America (According To Jewish sources ) ( read the intro and extracts )
    Northwoods behind Israel and “Team B” (neocon)
    James Petras unveils Zionist agents responsible for the war in Iraq and the spying scandal at AIPAC Timeline September 11 Zionists, Psychopaths and 11 September A Comprehensive History of Zionist Crimes How to Achieve Total World Domination – over 1.250 to 6.000 Years / Concise version
    VIDEO – Willis Carto said the media plutocracy Bronfman
    VIDEO – War Made Easy: war propaganda
    AUDIO – Michael Collins Piper says the new Babylon
    AUDIO – The bottom of the Rothschild empire, the new Pharisees. Interview with Michael Collins Piper
    “U.S. War on Iraq Timed To Coincides With Jewish Holiday Purim! ”
    King Faysal University Professor
    Source: The New Conservative Jewish movement: from Trotskyism to warmongering Zionist

    Yet through the past 200 yrs, there were signs….(sorry this is a google translation…)
    “Let me issue and control the monetary resources of a country and I do not care who writes its laws. ”

    George HW Bush, 1992
    “If the people had the slightest idea of what we did, they would drag the street and lynch us. ”

    Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States (1913-1921)
    “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated in the private sector. The growth of our nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the most misguided governments of the civilized world, one of the most controlled and dominated, not by conviction and vote of the majority but by the opinion and the strength of a small group of men dominant. ”

    Louis McFadden, MP 1934
    “We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I mean the U.S. central bank. This institution has impoverished citizens of the United States and almost led our government into bankruptcy. All this is due to fraudulent practices of the vultures who control this situation. A super state run by bankers and industrialists who associate with international pleasure to enslave the world. ”

    Wright Patman, Democrat member of Congress 1928-1976 Chairman of the Bank and the Mint (1963-1975)
    “I’ve never seen anyone who could, with logic and reason, justify the federal government borrows to use his own money … I think the time will come when people will demand that this be changed. I think the time will come in this country where they will accuse us, you, me, and anyone connected to the Congress, to be sat doing nothing and allowing a system too stupid to be perpetuated. ”

    Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor (1769-1821)
    “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, it is the latter, not the government leaders who control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that receives. […] The money has no motherland; financiers have no patriotism and lack of decency, their sole objective is winning. ”

    James A. Garfield, President of the United States, 1881 – assassinated
    “Whoever controls the volume of currency in our country is absolute master of all industry and all commerce … and when you realize that the whole system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a very small elite of powerful, you will not need that explains how periods of inflation and deflation occur. ”

    Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States from 1860 to 1864 – assassinated
    “The government should create, issue and circulate all currency and all necessary funds to meet government spending and the purchasing power of consumers. By adopting these principles, the taxpayers would save huge sums of money in interest. The privilege of creating and issuing currency is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is also its greatest opportunity. ”

    Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States (1913-1921)
    “Some of the greatest men of the United States in the field of trade and production, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so coherent, so complete, so pervasive .. . They do well, when they speak, speak gently. ”

    William Lyon Mackenzie King, former Prime Minister of Canada
    “Until the control of the issuance of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized its responsibility as the most flagrant and most sacred, any talk of the sovereignty of Parliament and democracy is idle and futile … A When a nation gives up control of its funds, it no longer makes its laws … Usury once in control, runs any nation.

    “The surest way to overthrow an existing social order is to corrupt the currency. ”

    Rothschild Brothers of London
    “The few people who understand the system (money and credits) will either be so interested in the profits it generates, is so dependent on it favors designs, there will be no opposition in this class. On the other hand, people unable to grasp the immense benefit from the system by capital bear their burdens without complaint and perhaps without even noticing that the system does not serve their interests ”

    David Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission 1991
    “We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been exposed to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to enter a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national self-determination of past centuries. ”

    Henry Ford (1863-1947)
    “It is significant that the people of this nation does not understand anything in the banking and monetary system, for if this were the case, I think we would face a revolution before tomorrow morning. ”

    Henry Ford (1863-1947)
    “The youth who can solve the money question will do more for the world than all the armies of history. ”

    Henry Makow, Canadian writer
    “The Illuminati bankers rule the world through debt is the money created from nothing. They need to rule the world to ensure that no country falter or attempts to overthrow him.
    As long as private banks rather than governments, will monitor the creation of money, the human race is doomed.
    These bankers and their allies have bought everything and everyone. ”

    Maurice Allais, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 1988
    “In essence, monetary creation ex nihilo practiced by the banks is similar, I do not hesitate to say so people understand what is at stake here, in the manufacture of currency counterfeiters, so rightly punishable by law. Specifically it produces the same results. The only difference is that those who benefit are different. ”

    “Mechanics of modern money,” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
    “The actual process of money creation takes place primarily in banks … the bankers found they could make loans merely by giving their promise to pay, or bank notes to the borrowers. In this way banks began to create money. Transaction deposits are the modern counterpart of bank notes.
    It was a small step to print the tickets on the books crediting deposits of borrowers, and borrowers
    turn could “spend” by making checks, “thereby printing” their own money. ”

    John Kenneth Galbraith, economist
    “The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled. ”

    Graham F. Towers, Governor of the Bank of Canada 1934-54
    “Every time a bank makes a loan, new bank credit is created. Brand new money. ”

    John Adams, founding father of the American Constitution.
    “All of perplexity, confusion, and distress in America comes not from defects in the Constitution or Confederation or the desire of honor or virtue, but of our profound ignorance of the nature of currency, credit, and traffic. ”

    Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Father of Independence United States
    “The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money away from the hands of George III and the international bankers was the main reason for the war of independence. ”

    Lord Acton, Lord Chief Justice of England, 1875
    “The recurring problem over the centuries and which will be settled sooner or later is the conflict between the People to banks. ”

    Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England (1928-1941)
    (Deemed second capital of England at that time)
    “The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. This process may be the turn of the most amazing dexterity that was ever invented. The bank was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take them, but leave them the power to create money and a round of hands they will create enough money to buy it back. Remove them this power, and all great fortunes like mine will disappear and it would be beneficial because then we would have a better and happier. But if you still want to be slaves of banks and pay the price of your own slavery let so bankers continue to create money and control credit. ”

    Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)
    “Money is a new form of slavery, it differs from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal, there is no human relation between master and slave. ”

    Phillip A. Benson, President of the Association American Bankers’ Association, June 8, 1939
    “There is no better way to take control of a nation to lead its system of credit (money). ”

    Andrew Gause, historian of the currency
    “One thing to realize about our fractional reserve system is such that in a game of musical chairs, as long as the music turns, there are no losers. ”

    Irving Fisher, economist and author
    ‘Our national average is now trading at the thank you of loan transactions of banks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not. ”

    John Swinton, former chief of staff of the New YorkTimes, in a speech to his fellow journalists …
    “The job of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie without reservation, to pervert, to vilify, to grovel at the feet of mammon and to sell his country and his race to earn his daily bread. You know as I know, so who can speak of an independent press? We are the puppets and vassals of rich men behind the scene … .. … They pull the strings and we dance! ”

    Charles A. Lindbergh (1902-1974), aviator
    “The financial system has become the U.S. central bank (Federal Reserve Board). The central bank manages a financial system with a group of pure profiteers. This system is private and its only purpose is to make the most enormous profits possible using other people’s money. This law (Federal Reserve) shows the greatest proof of confidence in the world.
    When the President signs this act, it legalizes the invisible government by the monetary power. People did not perceive, may not account for the moment but the day of reckoning is only a few years, the Day of Judgement of this Act which is the worst crime of all time in the name of law through a bill. ”

    Marriner S. Eccles, Governor and Chairman of the Board of Fed
    “If there was no debt in the system, there would be no money. ”

    Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14th Edition
    “Banks create credit. It is a mistake to believe that bank credit is created to any extent by the payment of money to banks. A loan created by the bank is a significant addition to the volume of money in the community. ”

    American’s Bulletin
    “We were Communisis: production must be regulated so ruthless against consumption or …. fraud in bank credit to the detriment of the public will be revealed. ”

    Robert H. Hemphill, Credit Manager, Fed, Atlanta, Georgia
    “If the banks create synthetic enough money, we prosper or we sink into poverty. We are definitely, without a permanent money system. When you have a complete view of all, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but it is so. ”

    1924 U.S. Banker’s Association Magazine
    “Capital must protect itself in every way possible, thanks to the coalition and legislation. Debts must be collected and mortgages banned as soon as possible. When ordinary people lose their homes through the process of the law, they become more docile and can more easily be directed through the strong arm of the government represented by the major financial players and a power plant due to wealth. These truths are well known to our key stakeholders that now apply to create an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voters through the political party system, we handle them so they spend all their energy on issues of no importance. So with a discrete action that we will guarantee the sustainability of what we planned and performed so well. ”

    Kenneth Boulding, economist
    “Any person who believes that exponential growth can continue forever (infinite) in a finite world is either a madman or an economist. ”

    Albert A. Bartlett, physicist
    “The biggest deficiency of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function. ”

    Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) sociologist
    “Only small secrets need protection. Large are kept secret by public incredulity. ”

    Reginald McKenna, former Chairman of the Bank of England Middle
    “I am afraid the ordinary citizen would not like to be told that banks can create money, and do …. And those who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of the government and bear the palm of their hands the destiny of the people. ”

    Adolf Hitler
    “The majority of people believe more easily to a big lie than a small one. What luck for rulers that men do not think. ”

    Mahatma Gandhi
    “You participate in a Machiavellian system more effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. Such a system not worthy of allegiance. Obedience to this system is equivalent to join in hell. An intelligent person will resist with all his soul to this diabolical system. ”

    Art. 35 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1793
    “When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred and most indispensable of duties.


  9. Fenchfrog

    Never mind who said what….what counts is WHAT THEY SAID…and it pretty much boils down to the same thing. doesn’t it ? There enough material around to do some homework. The thing is, I m wondering if the crisis, social movements, famine, is not all part of the PLAN….for some strange reasons I think that it is. Let’s hope that Internet will still be on to discuss it again in due course.


  10. Fenchfrog

    By the way,
    If you need more material…just ask…There is quite a dossier to build up there. Everything is intricatingly link together mind you, economics and geopolitics work hand in hand.


  11. Jack

    Lawyer, do you now get the point.

    Some singular entity is loose upon humanity with evil designs.
    No, this isn’t some Hollywood movie, this is real.
    The banking elite is real.

    The danger they present is real.


    • Hi Jack: some “singular entity is loose upon humanity with evil designs”?

      Let me suggest something to you, just for fun. Many people throughout history – some of them highly educated and intelligent, not superstitious rubes – believed exactly that. But this “singular entity” was thought to be a spirit, not a human being. I am referring, of course, to Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub. You know, that guy.

      One of his supposed characteristics was that he was very deceptive, that he drew people in with seemingly benign promises. He never appeared to be overtly evil even though he was evil personified. His most important human servants were often unaware that they were just that – I mean, there were signs they could pick up on, but in the classic tales they remained in denial or even deluded until very late in the game.

      I take it you would not regard such a singular entity as “real”. But if you did, would that affect your thinking at all?


      • Fenchfrog

        If I may Attorney (sorry to barge when not invited)
        But that’s just semantics, myths, tales, stories we make up to spook people out…you can call that evil, lucifer, some would even call it god, this all sounds rather like middle aged level…The point is, do you see any difference in the behavior you re describing with that of the “real” so called big guys and their money religion ? Evil of course is not about entity, its about human nature…good or bad, that’s what make human beings different from animals, the capacity to make a sound choice.


        • Hi French, just to clarify, I was not endorsing any particular opinion on all that, I was simply pointing out a traditional viewpoint held by many esteemed individuals over the centuries. Today people regard belief in spirits as superstitious, but it was not always so. And belief in spirits was not exclusive to Christianity or Judaism but has been common to many religions, and even what might be termed non-religious belief.

          Overall I was simply offering an alternative explanation for the people we think of as evil – the banksters and whatnot. Perhaps they, too, are deluded. Or maybe they’re just as evil as they seem.

          Food for thought, that’s all.


          • Fenchfrog

            Thanks for the clarification Atticus,
            I figured this was what you meant, but…pardon my french…I wanted to make sure, as one could have understood it a different way. There are remnants from those belief in spirits still nested in our western societies, in religions and even the judiciary systems, old beliefs leave stigmates over generations if not to say over centuries and some of them even constitute part of the identity of nations… complex macro scale subject.
            On your conclusion , acts and thoughts are influenced by very interconnected and entertwined mental dispositions with sociology/ history segments/psychology/education/ manipulation/etc and……faith (we are co-creators of the universe, we have to love all of humans further every day, forgive all of offenses further every day, make peace further every day, to free us from all that forces us to be mediocre, to tell lies, to act like animals and abide by the laws of despiritualized manhood against our spiritual conscience). It in fact all boils down to “conditioning”. So, are the people we think of as bad, bad? yes, are they deluded ? yes, are they evil ? “hell” yes…they’ve egotically and egoistically lined whole genealogies and dynasties on this…… they can’t spontaneously see things differently, that does not constitute an excuse, everyone can come to sense at some point, “good” sense.., that’s what they’re desperately missing as long as money and power are drugs like casino binging. The problem here is that we’re talking on a macro scale, with the repercussions we know, with Rulers, claiming to be of “divine” descent over the people, well I got news, we are all of divine descent.
            Acting bad whether on an individual level, on a collective or national level will as surely cause bad fallouts, inversely good actions will sustain good fallouts…


  12. Frenchfrog


    You will notice as well how, since a few years……no “great” man as We the people understand it (for there would need to be one) actually says a word against the elite, for all the great men the world encounters today is Elite made, Great only to and for the Elite. Just take my own governements….a banana republic….look at who is at the IMF…same thing. Look at what they’ve done to those who tried to oppose to them (assassinations). Google, facebook, etc are in it. You often hear yeah, this is a conspiration theory, well this sort of answer also comes from them, for there is not ONE period in history where conspiration has not played an important role in conquests. It’s not a theory, it’s reality.


  13. Marvin

    I’ve recently bit the bullet, sold very long term stock holdings, and paid off my mortgage. Part of the motivation was take gains before the tax rates go up, part was to get out of what I see as a stock market bubble, and part was to get real assets instead of financial assets(I think the money system, backed by debt, is unsound.)

    Those that get debt relief by your jubilee will be put in the same state as I, except that they still have their goodies as well as the debt-free house.

    I’m reminded of the fable of the ant and the grasshopper. If a jubilee does come to pass this ant goes galt.


    • Yours is a common reaction. There are several answers to it that I would ask you to consider.

      First, your complaint is that others will get something for no effort that you had to make sacrifices to obtain. Is that unjust? Yes. But injustice cannot be avoided, and indeed has not been avoided. We have to pick between unjust alternatives. The others are worse.

      In addition, I ask you to try to recognize that even though the scales would be imbalanced in favor of others, there is no detriment to you. When picking between various suboptimal and extremely destructive alternatives, one that does little or no harm has a great deal to recommend it.

      Also, you have to realize the sheer scale of the social dislocation that will occur if a jubilee does not happen. You will have numbers of homeless comparable to the displaced persons of Europe in WWII. You will have to “go galt” anyway, because much of the country will become un-livable due to social unrest.

      And finally, you are exhibiting a lamentable, and largely irrational, double standard. Why haven’t you gone galt already, given that a $12+ trillion jubilee has been handed to the most privileged and wealthiest people on earth, even as people far down the pecking order are being foreclosed upon and evicted?

      Bankster Jubilee v. Popular Jubilee

      Please note, I am not proposing class warfare: a jubilee will apply to the wealthiest as well. But to grant debt forgiveness to the opulently blessed while denying it to the meager is indescribably perverse.

      Think about it, I beg you.


  14. Brutus

    We need a legal counter-revolution and abolish the notion of “case law”. We can also pinpoint the change in law to Harvard’s Law School Dean, Christopher Columbus Langdell. As wikipedia notes, “Langdell’s greatest innovation was his introduction of the case method of instruction. Until 1890, no other U.S. law school used this method, which is now standard.”

    I read a Harvard law review article by a student at Harvard during the time period lamenting Langdell’s influence and how many of the law professors resigned because of his appointment. (Can’t give you the cite because I lost it .) Apart from being woefully inefficient, it gave case opinions the status of judge made law. It’s where the silly balancing tests were spawned and where the “evolution” of law took root. As you know, you can’t even cite the text of the Constitution in Court anymore because it’s an utter waste of time and that word evolution is simply the code for the judge is going to change it.

    I had the privilege of being taught evidence by a professor who didn’t use a single case but instead taught the rules. I learned more evidence than the average law student and found that students from other law schools using the case method in their evidence courses didn’t have the in depth grasp of the rules that I had.

    American law is not going to change until each lawyer in a black night gown is taught a different method. That is not going to happen and we will go down with a whimper.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Lyle Burkhead

    “We are witnessing the breakdown of the United States government.”
    Are we?
    “It is as certain as the next sunrise or any other overwhelmingly obvious, inevitable and empirically verifiable future event, meaning an event that hasn’t happened yet but we know will happen based upon historical precedent, and we’ll all be able to see it when it does.”
    The breakdown of the US government is as certain as the sunrise? Really?
    “we have become heedless of what things cost. This is always a temptation when the cost – which nature itself never fails to impose – is borne by someone else. And now you know, if you didn’t before, why we are drowning in unpayable debt.”
    Well, now I know. It’s because “we” have become heedless of what things cost. I thought there might be more to it than that.
    “We must recover our sense of the cost of things by absolving ourselves and everyone else of their debts.”
    So absolving everyone of their debts is going to have a psychological effect: “we” will recover our sense of the cost of things. The mechanism is not clear. How does this psychological change happen? And then when “we” have recovered our sense of the cost of things, this will somehow prevent the breakdown of the US government. The mechanism is still not clear. How does this work?
    “There are a lot of problems that this will create. But this, too, doesn’t really matter: first, because there will be serious problems if it isn’t done, no matter what else anyone does – such as the collapse of the government;”
    The mechanism is not clear. How does not having a Jubilee cause the collapse of the government?
    “and second, because those problems will be more serious than the problems of not doing it.”
    Which problems will be more serious than the problems of not doing it?
    “This amendment is the populist solution to the difficulties we face, and I will categorically state that it, or something like it, is the only such solution there is.”
    I guess there is no use asking for an argument to support this claim. If you state it categorically, it is beyond argument. Moving on to the next thread, the one where you give the text of the amendment,
    Jeremiah says: “Back to the OP, I have got to say that there is no way, in the current state of reality, that this amendment will ever pass.”
    To which Atticus responds: “I agree that the chances this will happen approach zero.”


    • Hello Lyle.

      You might read this post:

      “Freegold” Fail

      And then these:

      The Gold Standard

      Gold Standard II

      It’s not quite fair to demand complete explanations of large ideas from one post in an ongoing monologue, which is what a blog is. A given post is limited by writing style, time constraints, the desire to write something that is readable and short enough. In fact this post identifies itself as the first in a series, which it is; and the ideas behind it are addressed repeatedly in other posts. And this process is ongoing.

      Clarity is greatly assisted, by the way, through comments such as yours that challenge the assertions I am making. I’ve had too few of them, and try as I might I can’t anticipate every objection someone might come up with, which is why they are so valuable as an intellectual exercise. Comments give an element of dialogue to the monologue that aids not just my understanding and I hope yours, but other readers’ as well.



      • Briefly, though, a breakdown of money through a failure or refusal to define the monetary unit of account is the breakdown of the government. The rest is just watching it unfold.


  16. Hi,

    Re: ”Jubilee”

    A great idea which won’t/can’t happen in a world where those in control have the (other) option of ”kick the can down the road”… and even at the end of that road there is the (always taken) option of hyperinflation of the currency(s) involved.

    As Adam Smith pointed out, Governments (in the end) _always_ ultimately default.

    That is not to say ”Forget this Jubilee crap because it ain’t gonna happen.” I am of the belief that with regard to any and all potential solutions, we are all better off for having heard/considered them. However, such ideas which we ”Joe Sixpacks” bounce off of each other, fade off into ultra low volume noise before reaching the ears of those who would make such decisions.

    For example, we used to think our television signals were ”going out infinitely into outer space”, eventually reaching planets in star systems light years away. We have since discovered that those signals fade to imperceptible levels by the time they reach the edge of our own solar system… (Just a point to ponder).

    So, although I honestly believe my comment is about to join those television signals, I nevertheless agree it is important to express it…

    I believe the closest we could come to a ”Jubilee” (and I mean ”closest” as in ”having odds of actually being implemented”), would be to put a moratorium on the _interest_ payments.

    Here’s what I mean…

    All debts are paid back at (what would have been) an ”interest rate” of 10% per year. No compounding; just 10% of the total debt. That payment would go directly and _fully_ towards the Principle owed. In this manner, the principle owed (and the next year’s ”total interest payment”) would literally ”compound” _negatively_. Which is to say that the debt would grow smaller and smaller each year as the principle owed becomes less and less, and so would the amount paid each year (i.e. ”10% of the – now lowered – principle”).

    In that way all debts are eventually paid in full, and in that way nobody ”gets over” by being able to walk away from debt. In the same way, the prudent to not suffer as they would in a true ”Jubilee.”

    There is one big giant flaw in my proposal… (And I am not even referring to the fact that it probably has the same low odds of being taken seriously by those who control the situation as does an outright ”Jubilee”).

    I am referring to the fact that our current financial system is completely predicated (and utterly dependent) upon the concept of ”growth”. Economic ”growth” is, in and of itself exponentially compounding. This is the very reason why ”a little inflation” (i.e. ”price inflation”) is desirable to central banksters.

    The dirty secret of what used to be called ”The miracle of compound interest”, is that it ultimately means our entire financial system is, quite literally, an exponentially compounding ponzi scheme; which must ultimately and necessarily consume itself; ending in default — either outright default or default via inflation of the currency(s) involved.

    Very sad, yet very true.

    I am truly sorry to end on this note, but history proves…

    ”There will be blood”


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