Daily Archives: February 13, 2011

“Freegold” Fail

However interesting an idea it might be, there is a tremendous amount of verbiage and mental effort being expended here on the freegold concept, which is a fundamentally flawed view of the world, the law, nature, and civilization itself.  People should probably stop wasting their time over there, not that they will.

Even so, some wrong-headed ideas are useful, and not a waste of time, when they serve as an occasion for deepening our own understanding, so I’m going to explain a little more about this freegold idea and then leave it.

What is the law?  Why is the law important, if it is?  What does the law properly have to say about money matters?

The law, insofar as it is relevant here,  is a generally agreed upon set of rules governing civilized conduct.  The operative word here is “civilized”.  We speak of other kinds of law – the laws of nature, the laws of physics – and these may form part of the basis of reality, but they obviously do not form the basis for civilization.  Just as discerning the laws of nature and the laws of physics is a process of discovery, so it is with the law that governs human conduct when human beings form civilizations.

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Filed under financial crisis, Judicial lying/cheating